The nice Wingo 5 engine is a high-performance Italian product for powering two-turn Gates, supporting doors up to 2.5 m wide and 500 kg wide. It integrates with multiple control systems and provides an ideal solution for high density areas.

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Manufactured in Italy, the nice Wingo 5 engine is a high-quality solution for powering two-rotor gates for single use, offering excellent performance for the price. Which makes it suitable for areas with high density in entry and exit. The motor allows lifting gates up to a maximum weight of 500 kg and supports doors up to 2.5 m wide.

The Nice Wingo 5 works integrally with other Nice systems thanks to its Smart Control Panel, and can be connected to modules such as Nice Wifi for easy remote control. In addition, it supports connection to various controllers such as a GSM module, loop detector, card reader, or code pad, making it a flexible solution that meets various needs and provides an ideal system in all fields.